What Is Google Ads?

Google Ads formerly known as Google AdWords is one of the largest online advertising platforms. Using Google Ads businesses across the globe can reach more customers and grow their business.

Google ads allow businesses to target users on 2 main networks. The search network & the display network.

On the search network, advertisers bid on the relevant keywords. This allows them to display their advertisements to users who enter those keywords into Google as part of a search query. The paid search results are usually displayed on the top and bottom of the page have a small ad icon next to them.

The display network, on the other hand, offers advertisers the chance to display their banner advertisements on the websites that are a part of the Google network. The display network is said to give advertisers access to 90% of internet users on the planet.

Google Ads runs on the Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising model. Essentially advertisers are buying visits to their website.

Read more about our Google Ads services

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